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HMS Rodney
HMS Rodney
HMS Rodney
HMS Rodney
HMS Rodney
HMS Rodney
Tamiya HMS Rodney

HMS Rodney

Manufacturer: Tamiya

Scale: 1/700

Additional parts: PE-parts

Model build: Jun - Nov 2018

HMS Rodney was a British battleship built in the 1920s. It served in the Royal Navy during World War II, participating in several major battles, including the sinking of the German battleship Bismarck. Rodney played a crucial role in supporting Allied landings in North Africa, Sicily, and Italy. However, the heavy usage during the war led to its deterioration, and it was eventually scrapped in 1948.

Tamiya HMS Rodney

This is an old Tamiya 1/700 scale hit, build OOB plus some PE sailors and railings. Painted with Revell Aqua Colour. The camo scheme was a bit a challenge. 

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